Art Gallery in Florence

Since 1822, Galleria Pietro Bazzanti holds high the traditional artisan techniques of sculpture in bronze, marble and semi-precious stones. Still today, the gallery is a hub for culture, for meetings for artists and aficionados of sculpture. On the Arno, in the heart of Florence.

News and Magazines

Michelangelo in Florence, the Slaves

Michelangelo in Florence, the Slaves In November 1518 Michelangelo, in Florence for the façade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, purchased a piece of land in via Mozza (today the last part of the current via S. Zanobi which opens onto via delle Ruote) and in 1519 there he had his sculpture studio built of [...]

Michelangelo, the Bacchus

Michelangelo, the Bacchus Vasari in the Lives, referring to Michelangelo, writes of: …un Dio d'amore, d'età di sei anni in sette, à iacere in guisa d'huom che dorma… […a God of love, aged from six years to seven, lying in the guise of a sleeping man…] alluding to the marble statuette that Michelangelo had sculpted [...]

Michelangelo and his first sculptures – Part III

Michelangelo and his first sculpturesPart III Lorenzo the Magnificent had hosted Michelangelo for 4 years in his palace in Via Larga, having him at the table with him and with various guests every day, including the humanists of the Platonic Academy. In 1492, upon the death of Lorenzo, Michelangelo was exiled from the Medici palace. [...]